Lawyer Marco Frus
Tel +39 011 56 20 257
Tel +39 011 56 13 240
Fax +39 011 54 63 23
EDUCATION: Law Degree from University of Turin. He holds the role of member of the board and statutory auditor in joint-stock and limited liabilities companies. He is a member of the board of the associations “A.G.A.T. (Association of Young Lawyers of Turin)” and “BusinessJus”. He is also a member of “Commissione Scientifica del Consiglio dell’Ordine degli Avvocati di Torino” as well as member of the “Domenico Napoletano National Centre for Labour Law Studies (CSDN)”.
BAR: Turin
Marco Frus has been a partner of the “Frus and Associates” Law Firm since its establishment, on 1st January 2015. He has gained experience especially by providing Italian and foreign Clients extrajudicial and judicial assistance, with specific focus on drafting and reviewing contracts, the establishment and termination of employment relationships, safety in the workplace, disciplinary actions, trade union law, agency relations, management of processes related to company restructuring, reorganisation, and personnel reduction. He is also focused on ordinary corporate and commercial law, with a specific focus on Start Up companies. He earned his degree summa cum laude from University of Turin in 2008. He had previously attended an International Business and Transaction course held at the San Diego University Law School. He completed his legal traineeship at “Pavesio and Associates” Law Firm and then continued collaborating with them as an associate until 2013.